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Tooth Sensitive to Air: How to Combat Winter Tooth Pain?

Simon Frers
Simon Frers
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When you go outdoors in the winter and breathe through your mouth, do you ever notice that your teeth are suddenly sensitive to air?

tooth feels sensitive to air
Are you experiencing that your teeth
are suddenly sensitive to cold air?

If so, don’t be concerned; you are not fantasizing. Extreme temperatures may cause dental discomfort for a variety of reasons, including receding gums, tooth decay, exposed dentin, irritated tooth nerves from teeth grinding, or a recently inserted dental filling.

If you would like to find out how to deal with sensitive teeth, continue reading this article. We’ll go over the following topics:

  • Why is my tooth sensitive to air?
  • What is winter tooth pain?
  • What to do if your front tooth is sensitive to air
  • Can cold weather cause toothache?
  • What is the best home remedy for toothache due to air?

We hope this article will answer your question about teeth being sensitive to air and how you can stop toothache due to cold weather. Also, have a look at the products below that can help with sensitive teeth.

Why are my teeth sensitive to cold air?

Teeth are porous and contain nerves and tubules that lead to dentin. The cold air travels through the tubules, and when it reaches the dentin, it causes sensitivity.

You’re not alone if your teeth are sensitive to air, as 1 out of 8 US individuals aged 25 and older report having the sort of dental sensitivity caused by exposed dentin.

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Several behaviors may raise your risk of getting dental sensitivity. For instance, brushing excessively vigorously or using a hard-bristled toothbrush may abrade your gums and teeth, wearing away your tooth enamel and exposing the dentin, as well as causing gum recession.

What causes teeth to be sensitive to air

font tooth sensitive to air
Many people experience
that their front teeth are sensitive to air
and hot or cold drinks

Have you ever questioned why your teeth are so sensitive to the cold? There are various causes for teeth that are sensitive to cold:

  • Teeth sensitivity after a cleaning: After a dental cleaning, it’s not unusual for teeth to feel sensitive when exposed to cold air, but this sensitivity should pass quickly. It ought to be gone within a few days. Read more about teeth sensitivity after a dental cleaning here.
  • Recent filling: If you’ve recently had a filling, your tooth may be more sensitive.
  • Receding gums: Give your teeth a closer inspection if you detect ongoing sensitivity when you’re in cold air, or you’re having a cold drink. Look at the gum line to determine whether your gums are pulling away from your teeth. The dentin is exposed by receding gums, which might make it easier for heat and cold sensations to reach the nerves in your teeth.
  • Gum disease or tooth decay: If you have tooth pain even while not exposed to cold temperatures, you may be experiencing the beginning stages of gum disease or tooth decay. Cold-sensitive teeth may be caused by plaque accumulation on the teeth and gums, resulting in tooth decay and gum disease. Since 80% of sensitivity originates at the gum line, treating sensitivity at its root requires switching to a toothpaste that’s beneficial for your gums.
  • Teeth grinding (bruxism) can wear away the tooth enamel and expose the nerves. This can result in your teeth being sensitive to cold temperatures. If you suspect that you are grinding your teeth, consult a dentist and learn about your alternatives for keeping your teeth healthy. You can read our article on night guards to learn more about how to stop teeth grinding.
  • Nerve roots visible: The tooth pulp is where the biological cause of tooth sensitivity to cold begins. When tooth roots are exposed as a result of receding gums or gum disease, the nerves in the pulp make teeth sensitive to cold temperatures.
  • Excessive product use: Too much tooth brushing pressure, excessive use of teeth-whitening products, or acids found in common foods and beverages like wine, coffee, and tomatoes, which can permanently damage tooth enamel, are examples of external variables that could result in cold-sensitive teeth. Read more about teeth whitening products for sensitive teeth.
  • Teeth cracks: As your teeth expand and contract due to exposure to hot and cold environments, microscopic fractures can form over time. The fissures give the nerves another access point, making the teeth more sensitive to cold air. Look for lines that could point to tiny fractures.
  • Sensitive teeth during pregnancy: If you experience a tooth sensitive to air, it can also be a pregnancy symptom. You are not alone if you experience greater tooth discomfort when pregnant. Many pregnant women experience sensitive teeth to air as well as painful, bleeding gums.
front tooth sensitive to air
Many people experience sensitive front teeth all
of a sudden, and it can have multiple causes

How to combat winter tooth pain

When you’re out in the cold, the first thing you should attempt to do is breathe as much as you can through your nose. To keep your mouth and nose a little warmer while you’re outside, consider wearing a scarf.

While you’re outside, have a hot beverage handy. You might as well carry some hot tea outside with you because it’s the season for it! Even warm water can keep your teeth warm and prevent the pain associated with cold weather.

Take some dental safety measures. Consider switching to desensitizing toothpaste and using fluoride mouthwash two to three times each week. The toothpaste will numb the symptoms associated with your tooth sensitivity, and the mouthwash can help seal your teeth so that you don’t suffer those pains as much.

Tips on how to prevent tooth sensitivity to cold air:

  • Use a soft toothbrush with soft bristles if you have teeth that are sensitive to the cold. A soft-bristled brush can aid in minimizing gum inflammation and teeth sensitivity.
  • Use toothpaste for sensitive teeth: By addressing the issue at its source, your gum line, gum care, and sensitivity toothpaste aims to lessen teeth’s sensitivity to the cold. You can read our guide on the best toothpaste for sensitive teeth here.
  • Try to avoid cold and acidic foods: Avoid biting into really cold meals if you have teeth that are sensitive to cold; for instance, sip your ice cream rather than biting into it.

Also watch this video from Teeth Talk Girl explaining why cold weather can make your teeth hurt, and how to prevent toothache.

Let's talk about reasons WHY the cold weather may be HURTING your teeth… and how to make it better! Is it possible for someone with healthy teeth to experience cold weather sensitivity? Yes. You can have completely intact, cavity-free tooth enamel and still experience moderate to severe discomfort caused by cold temps. In most cases, cold weather won’t make your teeth hurt unless you’re breathing in through your mouth (where your teeth are exposed) or you’re outside for an extended period of time and your mouth is uncovered. Tooth sensitivity to cold is one of the most common dental problems that people experience. If you know you’re going to be spending a lot of time out in the snow, for instance, and you don’t have a scarf or something covering part of your face, your teeth might get a bit sensitive the longer you’re outdoors. Your lips and cheeks only provide so much insulation! Learn more: 🦷 Free Oral Health Routine Guide: ▶ WANT EVEN MORE TEETH TALK? ∙VISIT MY WEBSITE: ∙SHOP Happy Teeth! ▶ HELP KEEP THIS CONTENT FREE – AND FOLLOW MY SOCIAL MEDIA 🙂 ▶ INSTAGRAM: @TeethTalkGirl ▶ FACEBOOK: @TeethTalkGirl ▶ TWITTER: @TeethTalkGirl ▶ BACKGROUND MUSIC: ***This video does not provide medical advice and is intended for informational purposes only. Always seek the advice of your dentist or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical or dental condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have heard or seen on social media.*** ✌ P E A C E ♥ L O V E ☺ T E E T H ☺


It can be very painful when your teeth are sensitive to air.

Fortunately, there are ways to stop future dental deterioration that might cause tooth sensitivity in the colder months. Two simple strategies to maintain excellent oral health care are, to brush your teeth thoroughly with a soft toothbrush and to floss often to help keep your gums healthy (and prevent gum recession and dentin exposure).

sensitive tooth pain
Teeth can be sensitive to cold air, but many
also experience sudden toothache when
eating freezing food like ice cream

Remember to consult your dentist if your tooth pain is persistent and lasts for more than three days. Your underlying issues may be considerably more critical than your tooth discomfort.

Read more about sensitive teeth remedies here.


Why are teeth suddenly sensitive to cold air?

Exposed tooth nerves and tubules: When tooth roots are exposed as a result of receding gums, gum disease or enamel erosion, the nerves in the pulp make teeth sensitive to cold temperatures.

Why does a tooth hurt when air hits it?

It’s because your tooth’s enamel, which serves as a protective layer, may degrade with time, exposing the dentin, a soft inside layer of the tooth where the nerves are located.

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Sources 1 in 8 adults may have sensitive teeth. Consulted 2nd November 2022.