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Best Teeth Whitening Gel for Trays: The Best Options for Whiter Teeth

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Teeth whitening gel can be sold for use on its own, or more commonly for use with a teeth whitening kit that includes trays. There are lots of different brands, which is why it can be hard to choose the best one.

That’s why we reviewed the best teeth whitening gels for trays, whitening kits and solo use, and our top picks are Snow and Smile Brilliant.


Smile Brilliant

  • Carbamide and hydrogen peroxide whiten teeth

  • Removes deep enamel stains

  • Safe for sensitive teeth

  • Professional-strength carbamide peroxide

  • Removes deep enamel stains

  • Custom-made trays

What is the best whitening gel?

Snow Extra Strength Whitening Serum

Snow extra strength whitening serum
Hydrogen and carbamide peroxide whiten teeth

Snow’s Extra Strength Whitening Serum is specially formulated to whiten sensitive teeth, It can be used to whiten teeth on its own but is best when used along with the Snow Whitening Kit.

This serum combines hydrogen peroxide and carbamide peroxide as well as hydroxyapatite, making it virtually as potent as teeth whitening gels used by dentists. It also contains Potassium Nitrate at 5% which is proven to relieve tooth sensitivity.

Smile Brilliant teeth whitening gel for trays from the dentist

One of our top recommended tooth whitening gels is Smile Brilliant. With Smile Brilliant, you get the same professional results that you get from a dentist. How? Because this gel is a professional strength and made with 22% carbamide peroxide.

It comes in syringes and is meant to be used with custom whitening trays, which you can get from Smile Brilliant or elsewhere.

teeth gel
The same whitening gel that dentists use

Another thing that sets Smile Brilliant apart is that they seal their whitening gel in special foil bags that prevent light from breaking down the peroxide into the water — meaning a longer shelf life and greater potency.

Your options for buying these gels are:

  • 9 syringes: 3ml each; 27 whitening sessions (top & bottom); $69
  • 6 syringes: 3ml each; 18 whitening sessions (top & bottom); $55
  • 3 syringes: 3ml each; 9 whitening sessions (top & bottom); $35

Find out more about Smile Brilliant in our review.

Sporting Smiles teeth whitening gel for trays

Sporting Smiles teeth whitening gel has a concentration of 35% carbamide peroxide.

You can purchase the gel in large syringes containing 10 ml of their whitening gel. They come in packs of 4, and have a shelf life of 2 years.

SPorting SMiles teeth whitening gel
Sporting smiles whitening gel

This gel is made to be used with whitening trays, which you can purchase as part of a kit from Sporting Smiles if you want.

Opalescence tooth whitening gel syringes

Opalescence is another popular teeth whitening gel in syringes that you can purchase on Amazon. It whitens with a 35% carbamide peroxide whitening gel that comes in syringes.

You can choose from three flavors — mint, melon, and regular — and you can also choose between different concentrations of peroxide if 35% is too much for you. The other options are 10%, 15%, and 20%.

Whitening gel for trays
Opalescence whitening gel

This gel doesn’t come with whitening trays — these you will need to order custom-made from your dentist.

Here’s what one customer had to say:

“I’ve used this a few times over the past couple years and haven’t had problems. I also don’t liberally use it each time. I follow directions and just put a drop of it at the base of each tooth’s tray molding, and sometimes a bigger drop for my front teeth, cuz they’re huge. Then you put the tray on, tap it a bit on each tooth so it spreads, and you’re done for now. When you use an excess amount, the gel reaches the gums and burns them. I personally wipe away any excess that pops out of the tray and onto my gums with a finger or cotton swab. I’ve had good results with these!”

Why do you need whitening gel refills? 

If you have had your teeth professionally whitened, why bother with refills? Well, unfortunately, your beautifully white and stain-free teeth are not going to stay that way, especially if you like to drink coffee, red wine, or other highly-pigmented food or drinks!

But if you maintain your teeth with at-home whitening treatments after professional whitening, then they have a higher chance of staying white for longer. 

If you already have a whitening kit at home, getting refills for it is simple. You can order some more of the kind you already used, or you can potentially use another brand of refills with the teeth whitening gel for trays you already own from your kit. 

If you had in-office whitening treatment with a dentist, you will likely be able to buy refills from them if you still have your whitening trays. Or you may be able to buy refills online to use with your whitening trays but check with your dentist first. 

Can you whiten your teeth with Invisalign using whitening gel? Many dentists say it’s OK, but check with your Invisalign dentist before you try it. 

Summary of best teeth whitening gels




Where to buy

Snow Extra Strength Whitening Serum

  • Packs of 1, 2, 3 and 6 cylinders

  • Removes deep stains in minutes

  • Designed for sensitive teeth

  • Gluten-free

Price per session: $1.4

Hismile PAP
+ Teeth Whitening Pods

  • 6 gel whitening pods

  • Whitening ingredient is phthalimidoperoxycaproicacid (PAP) for peroxide-free whitening

  • Contains nano-hydroxyapatite to strengthen teeth while whitening

  • Whitening gel applied to mouthpiece

  • No sensitivity or irritation

Price per session: $8.3

Smile Avenue whitening gel

  • 34% carbamide peroxide

  • Packs of 3

  • For use with an LED whitening kit

Price per session:


Smile Brilliant whitening gel

  • Gel is professional strength and stored in light-proof packaging

  • Packs of 9, 6, and 3 cylinders

  • Whitening gel is applied to custom-made trays

  • Professional strength carbamide peroxide

Price per session: $2.5

Sporting Smiles whitening gel

  • 4 10ml syringes

  • Foaming gel that gets into the smallest cracks

  • Professional strength 35% carbamide peroxide

  • Professional strength 35% carbamide peroxide

  • For use with trays

Price per session: $4.75


If you like your confident, pearly white smile after having whitening treatment, then it’s important to find a way to maintain it. Whitening gels can help you do this, and the good thing is you can buy refills for the ongoing maintenance! 

There are quite a few different whitening gel types and styles on the market. The gels include whitening pods, pens, syringes, and strips with pre-applied gel. There is also a choice of ingredients, some with hydrogen peroxide and others without. 

tooth whitening gel
Hismile’s teeth whitening kit with whitening gel pods

If you got your teeth whitened by a dentist, you can buy refills from them. However, our top picks for the best whitening gels in the US are Snow and Smile Brilliant.

If you are interested in whitening kits, then any of these three would be a good place to start. Or, if you are just looking for whitening gel, then they all sell refills that you can use with trays or any whitening kit mouthpiece with LED lights.  


Can you buy teeth whitening gels used by dentists in the US?

Yes, you can buy teeth whitening gel used by dentists in the US. This gel is stronger than the type you can buy over the counter.

Does teeth whitening gels have long-lasting effects?

Yes, teeth whitening gels have long-lasting effects, as long as you eat well, don’t smoke, avoid foods and drinks that damage teeth, drink through a straw when you can, and get your teeth cleaned regularly.

Do I need to see a dentist to apply a teeth whitening gel?

No, you don’t need to see a dentist to apply a teeth whitening gel. You will be fine if you use the teeth whitening gel according to the instructions provided by your dental provider.

Is it safe to whiten your teeth at home?

Yes, it is safe to whiten your teeth. There are no serious side effects associated with at-home whitening treatments using teeth whitening gels.

Best Teeth Whitening Gel for Trays: The Best Options for Whiter Teeth
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Sources Lure of the all American super white smile. Consulted 7th January 2022.